Life Lessons!

It’s that wonderful time of the year when we can relax, celebrate our faith, and be with our loved ones. It’s also time to pause and reflect on the year we’ve just had.

Some people look back and compare their achievements against the goals they had set in January but that may be disappointing for some and may also be discouraging too.  In my opinion, we should look back, search for lessons we have learnt, and appreciate how much we have grown. It is impossible to go through a year and not learn something new about yourself and about the world around you.

Someone once said “every single day above ground, is a gift”, and how true that is. When you unwrap and open this gift, you will find lots of things — things that you love, things that you might not like, and even things that might leave you wondering “why me?” Whatever you find, allow yourself to be surprised and go with it. Then when you look back, appreciate the lessons learned; they will prepare you for a much better start for the new year.

So, today I’d like to take some time and be grateful. Grateful for all the people I was able to serve this year. Grateful that I was able to provide a living. Grateful for my health. Please join me, let’s take a deep breath, let the air fill our lungs and slowly exhale … we have life … let’s enjoy … let’s be grateful.

So what did you learn in 2011? Here’s my list of 30.

  1. Your health is your life.
  2. Your spouse is your best friend.
  3. Good things happen to good kind-hearted people. Be good, be kind.
  4. Most of the time what you are looking for is right in front of you.
  5. People deserve a second chance, but never a third.
  6. Stay away from negative, two-faced people. They are energy vampires.
  7. If someone talks behind others, they also talk about you. Stay away.
  8. Take lots of pictures.  Someday you’ll be really glad you did.
  9. Kindness, honestly and hard work go hand-in-hand.
  10. Hatred is a disease. Hating causes stress and stress is the leading cause for serious illnesses.
  11. Forgive and forget, and if you can’t, delegate it to your God.
  12. The purpose of your life is to live before your die, and the purpose of business is to fund that life.
  13. Adopt a “plenty” mindset and watch what happens next.
  14. My job is all about service and servant leadership. Not subservient, but serving others so that they can achieve their goals.
  15. My clients love people who consult with them and provide them with options.
  16. What you focus on, shows up more in your life.
  17. Every now and then find some “me” time. Not every day is for climbing mountains.
  18. Learning about yourself is a non-stop life-long education.
  19. You can achieve anything you put your mind to.
  20. Letting go of stress and unrealistic expectations is the start of manifesting an enjoyable life .
  21. Be open to miracles occurring from unexpected sources.
  22. Ongoing action is key to success. People have no difficulties with dreaming big but keeping up with their actions is much more difficult for them.
  23. Go with what is right for you. Do what you LOVE.
  24. Our attitude toward challenges and our response allows our soul to be strengthened like that of a diamond.
  25. Trust that feeling in your Gut. Trust yourself.
  26. You always have a choice. Even when life isn’t panning out the way you want, you can choose how to respond.
  27. Everything will be fine in the end. If it’s not fine, it’s not the end.
  28. Comparison is a deadly disease. A little competition is healthy but know this – there is no race, you will not fall behind, there’s no one to catch up to, you have all the time in the world.
  29. Be the change you want to see in the world! -Gandhi
  30. Happiness never decreases by being shared. -Buddha

Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, and best wishes to  you for a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.